About us...

Моја слика
hello! ^.^ we are the otaku people :D there are 6 of us at the moment... One boy and 5 girls XD we like watching anime, manga, and talking about random stuff, totally irrelevant to important world affairs and the meaning of life. nice to meet you! ^3^

петак, 22. јун 2012.


If I understood well, Otaku 2 is thinking about leaving Otaku ppl???

'have another announcement to make.. hmm, not exactly positive if it's an announcement as much as it's my thinking at the moment, but i'm seriously considering leaving otaku people. i'm sorry guys, but these posts are becoming more and more ridiculous as the time i'm not around slowly progresses.'
*sad face* *really sad face*  *really really sad face* *really really REALLY sad face*
I don't want you to leaveeeeeee! :'(

are you really trying to say something with these posts, otaku No3 (and everyone else, really)? are your posts ever capable of being one sentence long? i'm aware your english isn't the most amazing, but surely you can at least try to get a simple message through? the anime/manga you watch/read, your current line of thoughts -  hell, even what you ate for breakfast yesterday could sound fun, if told in a certain way.
I don't understand this part :'(  >.<
Sorry people, my english is pretty bad :'(

so that's all, my ranting *bows*
Why ranting?
You're not ranting! >3<

Otaku 3(only one who knows this now)

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