About us...

Моја слика
hello! ^.^ we are the otaku people :D there are 6 of us at the moment... One boy and 5 girls XD we like watching anime, manga, and talking about random stuff, totally irrelevant to important world affairs and the meaning of life. nice to meet you! ^3^

недеља, 24. јун 2012.

It was long....

The time that i didn't post my awesomeness....So....let's begin...Well....
This video is unique and you must see it....
It just made me dafuq!?Look at that face...and be scared...*gives him the chills*..
Oh also started watching Beelzebub....AWESOME!!!The anime is about a Akuma baby....and it's babysitter....Just awesome B|..
          2 awesome pictures of it...
That's beelzebub
....And...This one is just epic....

Now to continue my post...erm i finally found the love of my life...:3 i would post pics but eh...it's something that i won't talk about..so I'll stop talking about it xD
Oh welcome L if i may call you like that,I'm glad that you're with us and....I expect more posts from you.
I hope that you're misterious like him....or you will perish..by my hands..XD
I'll use a death note and kill you like Yagami killed L(*le Yagami fan*)
....I'm justice...so beware..
Now people Otaku.no 2 won't leave cause I'm badass....xD
And i know her...she won't leave cause of my awesomeness...
And...so one does simply not leave the Otakuppl while I'm here.....
Also....hmm....Well yeah yesterday i had my first kiss XD
shit...again i with my love life...xD..well it's stronger than me i love her..
So...I'll tell you a little bit...hmm we had a fun time yesterday we were eating at McDonalds...walking in the nature sitting in a park it was like a dream :3....Well that's enough see ya ppl...
Otaku no.1 *waves*...peace :3

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