About us...

Моја слика
hello! ^.^ we are the otaku people :D there are 6 of us at the moment... One boy and 5 girls XD we like watching anime, manga, and talking about random stuff, totally irrelevant to important world affairs and the meaning of life. nice to meet you! ^3^

среда, 27. јун 2012.

wienna and nutella cream strawberries..

..so you see, currently i, otaku No2, am in wienna, at my friend´s place, and will stay so until the next monday. just so you know, otaku No3: roming is killing all of us here. so please, don´t send me any more messages if you value the money that´s still left on your mobile phone, which i´m guessing isn´t much at all. so yeah.

anyway, not much to report here at the moment, at least not much anime-stuff cause it is freakishly fun up here. fun as it is eating strawberries with nutella and whipping cream in midnight, fun as having an affair with a dinosaur plushie or sitting on a chair shaped like a bannana, singing "i´m sexy and i know it", or painting an apple blue with hairspray.

did i ever tell my friend how much i love her, actually?
dani, ich liebe dich! *-*

another anyway, maybe i´ll quit the blog and maybe not, depending on my current mood and the horoscope and the weather outside and whatnot. it´s still amusing, writing my soul out (or just boring life) here, where fellow anime fans can laugh about it, so idk..

only anime stuff still being avatar, i´m so glad korra and mako got together! *teary eyes* even though he´s a jerk of the week, i´m still hoping something in those lines will happen to me and my own jerk of the week, even if he isn´t actually mine yet.

miss you all, and oh! - i didn´t welcome L-sama, newbie of the blog yet. hope we´ll all get along! ^3^

by otaku No2 :)

oh, and P.S. this austrian keyboard is killing the crap outta me.

недеља, 24. јун 2012.

It was long....

The time that i didn't post my awesomeness....So....let's begin...Well....
This video is unique and you must see it....
It just made me dafuq!?Look at that face...and be scared...*gives him the chills*..
Oh also started watching Beelzebub....AWESOME!!!The anime is about a Akuma baby....and it's babysitter....Just awesome B|..
          2 awesome pictures of it...
That's beelzebub
....And...This one is just epic....

Now to continue my post...erm i finally found the love of my life...:3 i would post pics but eh...it's something that i won't talk about..so I'll stop talking about it xD
Oh welcome L if i may call you like that,I'm glad that you're with us and....I expect more posts from you.
I hope that you're misterious like him....or you will perish..by my hands..XD
I'll use a death note and kill you like Yagami killed L(*le Yagami fan*)
....I'm justice...so beware..
Now people Otaku.no 2 won't leave cause I'm badass....xD
And i know her...she won't leave cause of my awesomeness...
And...so one does simply not leave the Otakuppl while I'm here.....
Also....hmm....Well yeah yesterday i had my first kiss XD
shit...again i with my love life...xD..well it's stronger than me i love her..
So...I'll tell you a little bit...hmm we had a fun time yesterday we were eating at McDonalds...walking in the nature sitting in a park it was like a dream :3....Well that's enough see ya ppl...
Otaku no.1 *waves*...peace :3

субота, 23. јун 2012.


Hi guys... This is otaku nu.5 (you can call me Luna or L or Itachi xD). I'm new to this blog thing, so it might take some time for me to get used to it.

 Well, let me introduce myself. I'm 15 years old, i like reading and drawing(even though my drawing is rather pathetic)... I have light brown hair and blue eyes and a younger sister who is a real pain-in-the-neck, but i love her...

 As for anime & manga, you can say that's my middle name. Although i didn't quite have much time reading/watching it thanks to the exams, but in the upcoming days of lollygagging and doing nothing, i'm getting back in shape! My favorite animes/mangas are "Higurashi no naku koro ni" and "Naruto". I really love japanese culture and truly hope to visit Japan some day...

 So far I've attended primary school "Đura Jakšić" and now I'm planning to enroll in high school "Uroš Predić"... I'm sooo happy to hang on this blog with you guys and I really hope we'll get along! ^.^

Oh, yes! I almost forgot! As for otaku nu.2: Please, stay! :)

петак, 22. јун 2012.

I think...

...I understood this part! (are you really trying to say something with these posts, otaku No3 (and everyone else, really)? are your posts ever capable of being one sentence long? i'm aware your english isn't the most amazing, but surely you can at least try to get a simple message through? the anime/manga you watch/read, your current line of thoughts -  hell, even what you ate for breakfast yesterday could sound fun, if told in a certain way.)
You, Otaku 2, are saying that we needa have some message in our posts, aren't you? *worried face*
And you're saying that we heve to write in 'certain way' and anything will sound funny. Aren't you? *even more worried face*
I hope you'll answer soon... >o<
Otaku 3


If I understood well, Otaku 2 is thinking about leaving Otaku ppl???

'have another announcement to make.. hmm, not exactly positive if it's an announcement as much as it's my thinking at the moment, but i'm seriously considering leaving otaku people. i'm sorry guys, but these posts are becoming more and more ridiculous as the time i'm not around slowly progresses.'
*sad face* *really sad face*  *really really sad face* *really really REALLY sad face*
I don't want you to leaveeeeeee! :'(

are you really trying to say something with these posts, otaku No3 (and everyone else, really)? are your posts ever capable of being one sentence long? i'm aware your english isn't the most amazing, but surely you can at least try to get a simple message through? the anime/manga you watch/read, your current line of thoughts -  hell, even what you ate for breakfast yesterday could sound fun, if told in a certain way.
I don't understand this part :'(  >.<
Sorry people, my english is pretty bad :'(

so that's all, my ranting *bows*
Why ranting?
You're not ranting! >3<

Otaku 3(only one who knows this now)

mixed feelings...

..so firstly, i'm thinking back on those days, ages ago, when i updated here almost daily.. but honestly, a thousand and one big-little things were, and still are, happening to me, so i really couldn't gather the time. anime stuff still being reduced to a minimum cause of my trip to wienna, i'm still happy for upcoming days of doing nothing - my summer holiday started today! ^o^


also, i'm jumping up&down for the sole reason of love blossoming everywhere, ever since the beginning of summer. two of my best friends got themselves a girlfriend, other two of my best friends (male and female) are almost hooked up with each other, and i went on a date last saturday..

still fangirling about that date.
i don't care he's an idiot, i don't care he's got a girlfriend, i don't care he's almost certainly going to get me crying some day, i'm nevertheless immeasurably happy right now, and always when i'm with him, so maybe that's the only thing that matters. over&out about that :)

have another announcement to make.. hmm, not exactly positive if it's an announcement as much as it's my thinking at the moment, but i'm seriously considering leaving otaku people. i'm sorry guys, but these posts are becoming more and more ridiculous as the time i'm not around slowly progresses.

are you really trying to say something with these posts, otaku No3 (and everyone else, really)? are your posts ever capable of being one sentence long? i'm aware your english isn't the most amazing, but surely you can at least try to get a simple message through? the anime/manga you watch/read, your current line of thoughts -  hell, even what you ate for breakfast yesterday could sound fun, if told in a certain way.

so that's all, my ranting *bows*

otaku No2 :*

четвртак, 21. јун 2012.

I almost forgot...

We have new Otaku here ^^
Her nick will b Otaku 5...
I hope you'll enjoy in her posts :)
Otaku 3 (or-The Boss XD)

Guts and high school...

Finally I'm over with all tests/exams/whatever!!!
Yeah! *hitting air around me*
Gutsguts gutsgutsgutsGUTSGUTS(what 'guts' mean? whatever... i just wanna write it >o<)GUUUUUTSSSSS!!!gutsgutsgutsguts! gUuUtSs! GuTs! gggggguuuuutttsssss!
So fucking happy!
I ended all nine exams/tests >v<
And... I'm going to high music school! I passed that fucking exam! Yeah!!! >w<
Shit! I STILL don't know wat that means : /
I have new haircut, new phone and damaged tooth(really! i'm not lying!)...
And mum gave me reallu nice book 'cause I had 94.42/100 points on examinatin for ending primary school (and that points are using to enter some high school :) )!
I'm will go to two high schools-music and some else school ^^
So, I'm now going, 'cause I wanna search for some interesting high school :)
SUS, Otaku 3

среда, 13. јун 2012.

And this...

I didn't said that I believe in 'somethig'?
Oops, my mistake :)
So, here it goes: I believe in Something :)
Or, more likely, I believe in Luck and Fate :)
Yes, I'm writing their names with big first letter, because I think they're living somewhere, maybe in paralel universe?
Who knows...
And, I'm Scorpio in horoscope, so I love mystic and unexplained things :)
That's why I'm writing like this xD

See ya soon, Otaku 3

уторак, 12. јун 2012.

just some stuff for otaku No3..

firstly, about atheism, agnosticism and such; not sure if otaku No3's deduction is entirely true though..
..and yeah, i know it kinda contradicts with what i wrote earlier - don't get me wrong. i am atheist, but that only means i don't believe in any current existing religion.

i'm not saying miracles don't happen: they do.
it's just that people don't notice them or just say they're coincidences.
and i don't know if it's god, buddha, or giant spaghetti monster that's making them, but i believe there's something making us act the way we do and lining up all the bullshit existing on this world into something consistant..

so yeah. :)

about what your mom's doing, you may not like it at all but..

that woman has some serious control issues. does she think you're her property, or that she can control you or something? you have your life and she has hers, and let me tell you, if she think she can make you her zombie she can just think again. you have your own free will, you are not brainless and neither you are a 3 years old kid anymore. i think it's time for her to realize that.

oh, and about facebook, you can just make an account with a name that's not yours.
like Plasma Cakes, Shit Happens or Threety Dragneel - anything, really :D

on the other side, i'm congratulating otaku No3 and otaku No1 on their successful exam writing/playing/whatever :3 i'm so proud of you guys.

otaku No2 :***

понедељак, 11. јун 2012.

Oh man...

...I didn't know that I can be that serious >v<
This  is so cool! :D
Where are you, Otaku 4???
I wanna play that game!!!
!"#$%&/()=?**?=)(/&%$#"!~ˇ^˘°˛`˙´˝¨¸¸¸¨˝´˙`˛°˘^ˇ~ !"#$%&/()=?**?=)(/&%$#"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna make a profile on Facebook, but my mum says that I can't... *really really REALLY sad puppy face*
I like songs 'Parla piu piano' and 'Man! I feel like woman!' :)
I'm in love >v<
I'm on a way to become ateist...
And, I'm so (fucking) stressed ×.×
I had entrance examination for high music school... And... I... PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm SO happy! *jumping becauce I'm happy* *imagine the happiest face you've ever seen...that's my face!*
But I nedda end elementary school so I have more tests :(
That's why I'm stressed now... *sad face*

Otaku 3

Just one thing about christianity...

God doesn't exist.
He's creation of our minds.
Or, more likely, he's something we call 'LUCK'.
Things that he did are imagined.
They are fiction.
Someone see something that (he thinks) can't be explained and say: "This is a miracle! God did this!" and, BUM!, everyone says: "God exist! God is looking at us!" and nonsense like that.
Conclusion: we created him. Didn't we?
That's so stupid that I can't believe it.
No, I'm not ateist (But very soon, I'll become...).
I'm just rational!
Can you believe in some grandpa sitting on cloud and pointing with his finger on some places on Earth and saying: "I knew that! And, I knew that! Ha! I knew that would happen!" ?
Can you??
Just think of it...
What's your answer?
"HA! I KNEW that!!!"
Otaku 3

уторак, 5. јун 2012.

i really really really don't wanna

..but i must. ever since i've realized it's already june and i don't even know the sinus of 15 degrees ot how is the digestive system of freaking rounded worms, also that i will have to stop watching anime and/or avatar, reading manga, staring at yuri pictures and the like, my mood's downgraded a little bit..

can't wait till summer, really >w< the freedom bwaaah

but still, i must. i must survive. I WILL SURVIVEE *doing an incredibly lame jesus imitation, and failing at it miserably* ..yeah.

anyway, my sister got hooked on soul eater. (not watching anime may be my sin for the moment, but i can at least gossip about otaku 2.5, right? puppyfacelevelexpert)

and she loves maka, cause maka's so similar to her.. that kinda-cool-nerdy sweet girl is just as she, and everyone else, sees her. soo, maka and levi are sisters? *bangs my head against a wall*

i seriously need some sleep.
what is the largest fluvial soil form in latin america?
grraaargh D: *rage face insert here*

anyway, this time putting here a picture that i drew myself..
just because i can B|

by otaku No2 :***


I'm sorry that i couldn't post in the past few days.....you know schools last two weeks gotta study(which i don't do).....So the news...are that It's PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!Damn I'm totally addicted to that song.....xD....Also started watching Law of Ueki.....hmmm I don't like it but yeah I started the Anime so i must finish it now XDDD,also I must shave.....hmmmm so this is it for now cya guys later :))

Also some Toriko and Law of Ueki pictures incoming XDD

First I'll start with Toriko....



Now it's Ueki time!

Well this is it...*waves*

By Otaku#1