About us...

Моја слика
hello! ^.^ we are the otaku people :D there are 6 of us at the moment... One boy and 5 girls XD we like watching anime, manga, and talking about random stuff, totally irrelevant to important world affairs and the meaning of life. nice to meet you! ^3^

среда, 23. мај 2012.

Hello! :))

Hey peoples! :D

First, to inform you that my sister, Otaku No2 still hasn't died from an Otaku No1 attack. And second, the sky is still blue and Natsu is still my... hm, Lucy's? boyfriend, so i guess everything's fine at the moment.

I'm happy too :)
And I'm gonna write some things about me, like everyone else are doing.. ^^

  1. <3 MATH <3 is my eternal love :D
  2. I'm the youngest one here (thus the 0.5 part xD)
  3. I'm always eating
  4. Listen to Jpop, rock and less-known pop music :)
  5. My favorite spices are cinnamon and sugar
  6. Headphones are so cool/pretty/everything *-----------*
  7. I'm kinda clumsy when it comes to physical activities
  8. I'm a nail artist (paper too :3)
  9. I love guys with glasses
  10. the cream on the top of capuccino is so fun <3
  11. Lucy and Natsu! <33 ..or just Natsu x3
  12. I hate my eyebrows
  13. my favorite colors are blue and purple

That's it, what do you think? :***

Otaku Number 2.5 <3

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