About us...

Моја слика
hello! ^.^ we are the otaku people :D there are 6 of us at the moment... One boy and 5 girls XD we like watching anime, manga, and talking about random stuff, totally irrelevant to important world affairs and the meaning of life. nice to meet you! ^3^

четвртак, 31. мај 2012.

boredom and psychopaths

everything taken into account, i think it's went quite okay.. or so i'd want to think. either way, i don't care; it's almost over, school's over in a few weeks so ice cream, watermelons and sand sticking to my feet represents everything i'm able of thinking of now..

so anyway. i've started watching mirai nikki again (that and natsu no arashi being on my watching list at the moment), and i'm still really surprised how a whiny kid and his stalker's survival game can be so good actually. in truth, i've avoided watching this for a long time because of how stupid it sounded to me at first..

..yeah, and then i saw the creepy, parodied-by-many, screenshot of the anime's sweet main girl:

..so i somehow started from there, seeing how it can't be that bad if it's at least a little creepy like this.
am i the only person absolutely fascinated with psychopaths? i wanna study them lolol.

so, life is good somehow. awaiting the next episode of avatar: the legend of korra, which i'm unable to watch since my brother didn't wake up yet (and he'll kill me brutally if i watch it without him), i've read all the pervy fanfiction and wanting more, i'm not at least bored..

by otaku No2 :***

Some pictures :3

Isn't she sweet? :3
That's right :P

Otaku 3 :3

I wanna play ^^

Favorite Anime/Manga: Fairy tail
Favorite character from that A/M: Natsu ('cause he has the same mind as me and he's behaving (and misbehaving) like me...)
Least favorite character from that A/M: Zeref >,<
Hair Color you prefer: Pink (guess who has hair like that :D)
Eye Color you prefer: Brown and green and small amount of yellow between that two colors (I have eyes like that...)
A/M character you can't stand at all: Boss of devils from 'Devil devil'
A/M character you'd like to be real and you wouldn't mind being your boyfriend: Teru from 'Koko ni iru yo'
*Otaku 3 *

среда, 30. мај 2012.

Guts....Some random things....and guts again

Guts!guts guts...guts..!
Oh sorry I'm just enjoying the gourmet world of TORIKO!I mean seriously where can you find an anime like that....epic is just epic xD.Must calm down.....GUTS...damn that show.....
*5 mins later*
Okay.....calmed down....but there is a problem with that show seriously....I mean I'm every fucking time hungry when i watch it xD.
Must stop talking about Toriko.....
My tsuma~ is my real life Kanade.Damn i love her a lot...x3
So....erm...that Mechanics test that i had I ACED IT (got a D) but i failed physics......someone is going to kill me *poker face*Okay enough information about me.

Well I'm bored soo....Otaku#4 I'll fill your roleplay application.

Favorite Anime/Manga: Fate/Stay Night-Zero.
Favorite character from that A/M: Archer/Lancelot.
Least favorite character from that A/M: Kirei Kotomine.
Hair Color you prefer: Brown.
Eye Color you prefer: Brown.
A/M character you can't stand at all: Sakura(Naruto)
A/M character you'd like to be real and you wouldn't mind being your boy/girlfriend: Kanade duuh....

GUTS GUTS GUTS GUTS...sorry i can't sustain myself anymore.

*goes to watch Toriko*

Your Otaku#1 :33

competitions and rain and stupid pervy fanfiction

..it's your fault, otaku No4. you're the guilty one, or the one taking credit for it, or whatever. it's all otaku No4's fault that i, instead of practicing for saturday's physics competition, am currently sitting on my computer reading M rated fanfics. i'm ruining my lifee blargh.

so, it's raining and i'm happy and i'm so freaking out, running around scaring people and making sounds like a cat suffocating on a cheese pizza - all that because of one specific fanfic and one more specific song, and also certain someone's supermen complex. won't elaborate, also won't include my competition on the list, for the sole purpose of making it a little less complicated than it already is.

i'm gonna fail epically anyway, but at least won't be the only one that's doing so: one of my friends, the Gay Master, is competing too, and no chance i'm doing worse than him.

like an erza. *epic erza face insert here*

also pretty crushed since my only anime-related stuff at the moment is otaku No4's M rated fanfiction, so no news for now.. sorry guys, love ya all ^.^

by otaku No2

vocaloid glasses fanservice yaaa B|

недеља, 27. мај 2012.

should be sleeping now.

..cause that seems the most intelligent solution at the moment. besides studying, but that action is illogical and downright evil, so i'll skip the whole idea.
who studies in almost-june anyway, don'tanswerthat?

please don't die, otaku No4.. i won't stand it if my best friend and our newest member just goes and dies (without ropes, Jellal or my accomplice and/or helping hand), even for a petty reason like this year's eurovision song contest or amount of gay people present there. even if i'm not exactly blaming her; it was awful.

except for the babooshka grannies. who doesn't like the grannies? ^---^

my free, out-of-context reference still being this:

can't say i'm not happy, though.. gonna see my cowboy/eternal love/most retarded guy the earth has ever seen today. breaking a leg seems like a bad idea..

by otaku No2 ^3^

субота, 26. мај 2012.

Watching Eurovision and...

dying on the inside. Please, who is still letting Eurovision be alive? I feel kinda skunky (not quite sure if that's a word) listening to those wannabes playing torturetopeoplesears. Abba, where are you?!
Every country sucks, to be honest...but if I have to favor anyone, then it's Sweden. Not because of the song. It's not much better than all the other suckers. Because of Eric Saade. The true winner of last year's Eurovision.

Anyway, enough Eurocrap. I'll skip straight to the reason I'm writing a post although I should be watching EV with my friends. Though I began doubting the meaning of the word and ohsobeautiful friendship. Kinda.


I have a great roleplaying idea. Just tell me if you want to play a rp game, with interesting rules I made up. If you want to, be aware that I'm pretty much insane and that you're actually risking your fictional life. So be aware...

Who decides to roleplay, fill out this:
Favorite Anime/Manga:
Favorite character from that A/M:
Least favorite character from that A/M:
Hair Color you prefer:
Eye Color you prefer:
A/M character you can't stand at all:
A/M character you'd like to be real and you wouldn't mind being your boy/girlfriend [Natsu Dragneel is forbidden. Why? Because three otakus will want to write his name here. I want everyone to pick different characters.]

Ja Matta Ne,
Otaku #4

петак, 25. мај 2012.

Ohayo, minna! :}
I finally got the time to introduce myself properly. I'm new here, my name is Thea umm, I mean, Otaku #4; (Yes. Otaku #4) and I'm probably the weirdest of all. I may seem normal sometimes, but I'm not. (No. I'm not) ~ Ergo, I am sadistic and optimistic, fantastic and futuristic, tolerant and radical, beautiful and scary. Yush. ^^
I'm interested in soooo many things - writing, reading, drawing, painting, volleyball, waterball, programming, hacking, eidting multimedia > (find me on YouTube here :}) < aaaaaaaand trolling my friends, lovers and my little brother who hates me for the preferance I have and I'll share with you...


I...am (wait for it.) aaaa (wait fooor it) - YAOI ADDICT.

ZOSAN!!! ♥

I love Anime/Manga, especially One Piece, Pandora Hearts, Fairy Tail, Ouran High School Host Club and Code Geass :)
I love TV shows, like How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Merlin, Pretty Little Liars :)

My zodiac sign is Pisces - f**k yeah. And my favorite animal is the Maco Shark, but I love all Sharks. :D Oh, and I'm speaking 3 languages PER-FE-CCCC-TLY :D and I understand 3 languages completely. I suck at french, but I'm trying to get better, which seems like an unreachable goal. Merde.
Anyway, I'm finishing my introduction-post now, and I'll write in a few days again. That's all.

Ja Matta Ne.
Otaku #4

четвртак, 24. мај 2012.


Today, a new member joined us :)
From now, she's going by the name of Otaku 4 :D

Otaku 3

i hope you'll enjoy her (unfortunately, mostly yaoi) posts or she'll spam you until you die or she'll eat your cookies and send your soul to the Shadow Realm (without playing a children's card game)
by otaku No2 ^---^

Just for you, Otaku 2.5...

Natsu is MINE...
For ever and forever >v<

Otaku 3

среда, 23. мај 2012.

Hello! :))

Hey peoples! :D

First, to inform you that my sister, Otaku No2 still hasn't died from an Otaku No1 attack. And second, the sky is still blue and Natsu is still my... hm, Lucy's? boyfriend, so i guess everything's fine at the moment.

I'm happy too :)
And I'm gonna write some things about me, like everyone else are doing.. ^^

  1. <3 MATH <3 is my eternal love :D
  2. I'm the youngest one here (thus the 0.5 part xD)
  3. I'm always eating
  4. Listen to Jpop, rock and less-known pop music :)
  5. My favorite spices are cinnamon and sugar
  6. Headphones are so cool/pretty/everything *-----------*
  7. I'm kinda clumsy when it comes to physical activities
  8. I'm a nail artist (paper too :3)
  9. I love guys with glasses
  10. the cream on the top of capuccino is so fun <3
  11. Lucy and Natsu! <33 ..or just Natsu x3
  12. I hate my eyebrows
  13. my favorite colors are blue and purple

That's it, what do you think? :***

Otaku Number 2.5 <3

уторак, 22. мај 2012.


Everyone is making a self-introduction post and yeah....I'll do the same thing xD
Ah but before that.....I had Mechanics and it looks like i failed it :PP.
So.....here goes my self-introduction list xD
  1. I'm scared from many things.
  2. I also don't have a TV in my room.
  3. I listen to almost every kind of music except.....The music from my country...
  4. I like to stare in one dot.And think about something.It happens in class,EVERYWHERE XD
  5. I'm a Coca-cola addict.
  6. I'm anti-social.
  7. Reality is pretty crappy from my angle of view.
  8. My hands shake.
  9. I'm kinda fat :DD.
  10. I'm the only male otaku from this group.
  11. I'm weird.....
  13. Sometimes evil...also
  14. Sometimes  good.
  15. I'm an Atheist also.
  16. Fast-food is my life.
  17. I like to impersonate anime characters.
  18. I'm kinda a talkative person.
  19. I like to tickle other persons.
  20. There is one person that can cheer me up every time and...It's my Tsuma~ <3
  21. Also the last thing is......I JUST LOVE CHIBI ANIME CHARACTERS!!!
Well that's me :D...hope you enjoy my little craziness *shy face*

Your dear Otaku 1 :33

self-introductions and clothespins

..so yeah, i feel quite like that at the moment. you know those little, hangy plastic/wooden things drying clothes in the corner, that nobody really notices actually?

my at least one similarity with a clothespin: at the moment, i'm also drying clothes. it's raining outside, and  i feel like juvia - even though i love rain, for some reason. but i still feel like a clothespin, having (almost) nothing to do.. besides studying, but that doesn't count

so i decided to make my own self-introduction thingie like otaku No3: we're new here, after all. so here i go   ^---^

facts about otaku No2:
i'm bisexual
i'm an ambidexter
i have claustrophobia
my 'food of choice' are sweets
i know aikido
have a dream to publish a novel
really good at physics
look a lot younger than i really am
have a quite strange taste in guys
listen to rock, metal, punk
i'm an atheist
i become emotionally close to the pen i write with xD
technology hates me
love to read&write
my eyesight is horrible
cats are everywhere
i'm sexy and i know it
geography is evil

that's about it, i can remember at the moment. xD
by otaku No2

F*CK IT!!!!


Otaku 3


I'm normal (otaku) teenager :)
But, am I average?
  1. I'm otaku.
  2. I'm vegan.
  3. My last name is Tramp.
  4. I have no TV.
  5. My name is the name of goddess.
  6. I'm reading like I'm crazy.
  7. I'm going to music school and I'm playing HARP and SAXOPHONE.
  8. I REALLY love books.
  9. I love rock and metal music (read next)
  10. My favourite thing to do: Laughing like insane.
  11.  I'm a genius (I learned reading by myself when I was 4...).
  12. I think that Natsu x me will be great xD
  13. I'M CRAAAAZY, really XD
  14. I'm Scorpio in horocope(so what??? /: )
  15. I'm writing songs ^^
What do you think? :D

Otaku 3

понедељак, 21. мај 2012.

Silly Otaku no.2

Does she really think she can defy my power!?She thinks that her "Gajeel" will help her....Aikido and some tiny gadgets!?MUAHAHAHAAHAH no it can't help her because i got someone on my side that i will be calling my tsuma~ <3(not Kanade).And you know sooner or later Kanade will be mine.....I'll just go berkserker Grell on all the obstacles....OH YEAH BY THE WAY I LIKE TO BE SOMEONE FROM ANIME-S LIKE KATSURAGI KEIMA AND SO ON...currently I am Grell Sutcliff......So I'll just turn my chainsaw on and split her guts in an epic way :333........

You can't evade it otaku no2.....

By Otaku 1

help me!

otaku no1 is trying to kill me! :OO
no, really; he's having a grudge on me cause of his kanade from angel beats. hm, actually he really thinks she's his, and she's from my harem. i saw her first *pouty face*

still though, he himself says he's kinda evil.. so i don't know. we're sharing kanade at the moment, but he wants to start a war or something *prepares my broomstick bankai, death notebook and the other gadgets for zombie apocalipse*

and if he tries to attack, i know how to defend myself! started taking aikido classes recently :D
and anyway, even if i don't know something, gonna ask 'my gajeel' to show me.. i like him a lot, even though he's a stupid cowboy and goes around carrying me like a princess.

or because.

by otaku no2 :***

natsu is mineee >:D

..or maybe lucy's?
noooo, mine!
no, he's still lucy's...

Dx inner turmoil.

still, he's mine.

our friend says he's draco and ginny's bastard child cause of his pink hair (and everyone knows from red and white you get pink), but i still think he's hot. *------*
will you kill me then, otaku No3? xD

fellow natsu shipper x3

*fangirl squeal* ^------^

by Otaku No 2.5

The Endless War...

So you see people we Otakus got our own harem's here......and so I got my little harem also...but there is a problem with that stealing Otaku 2 that wants MY KANADE!!!And what should i do about that?Kill Otaku no.2 or....just kidnap Kanade forever?Also Kanade is the one that i love the most in my harem....
So....yeah....it's just an endless war.....:p
Watashi no Tsuma~...Kanade <3 <3 <3

by Otaku 1

Hey People

Sooooo I'm Otaku 1 it's nice to meet you guys.I'm kinda nervous today...tomorrow i have a test from Mechanics and if i fail it I'm going to fail the class xDDD but enough about that now comes the funny part :3.
So now I'm finishing Kuroshitsuji,the anime is pretty awesome and I'm kinda sad that it will end~...Also I'm the most evil Otaku from us >:D...

Oh and i will always post some picture at the end of the post :DDD...

by Otaku 1

"my sick obsession" xD

they are so cute! ^3^
and i'm not the only one who says it... hope i'm not the only one who says it, actually.

..for some reason, i started to ship gajeel x levi from fairy tail... don't really know why myself.
people tell me i'm like levi, so what i'm doing is maybe just pairing myself up with the guy i like? xD
mysteries of the universe (again), lol.

still, i really like the idea of a big, creepy, angry, huge tsundere guy liking the happy-go lucky chibi girl. weird, i guess ^^'

by otaku No2

недеља, 20. мај 2012.

yaoi fangirls everywhere and geography is evil.

...and I'm kinda stupid, actually. why am i writing this when i have a geography test tomorrow? and why is it so evil? why does my left ear hurt? why is he a cowboy? why is the sky blue? why is blueberry juice unhealthy for us? why..?

mysteries of the universe.

anyway, i'm starting to get a little bit worried about otaku2.5, at the same time my sister's mental health. why are yaoi fangirls starting to show up everywhere? (another why, lol) friend at school says everything starts out with harryxdraco and goes on from there. poker face.

she's saying natsu x gray (fairy tail) looks cute. how is this looking cute?
still fangirling to those two from No6, though. completely irrelevant, or course... :'3

by otaku No2 ^3^


Welcome to our blog!
We're otakus-that means we love animes and mangas :)
There are 4 of us at the moment and at the end of every text there will be a signature of  it's writer :)
We hope you'll enjoy reading  ^^

Otaku 3